28 juli 2023

How the theme came about for the NCC 2024

Together with Ferry Verheij of Studio Verheij, we sat down to brainstorm how we envision the next conference. What comes to mind when you think of 'Future Generation'? Below, we take you through our thoughts he put down on paper:

What does Future Generation stand for?

  • New developments in contact lenses. A glimpse into the future.
  • Developments in sustainability. How do we pass on the earth to the next generation.
  • How do we keep the profession interesting and attract new generations to continue developing our profession?
  • How do we keep our operations fresh and future-oriented? The only constant is change.

If we close our eyes and we see a picture in front of us, what do we see?

What comes to mind is TRON. 'Tron,' the groundbreaking science fiction film released in 1982, remains a cult classic that offers a visionary glimpse of the future even decades after its release. This film has the remarkable ability to strike a chord with audiences and ignite the imagination through an engaging and thought-provoking depiction of technology and its potential impact on our society.


One of the most striking aspects of 'Tron' is its depiction of virtual worlds and digital realities, long before virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) were mainstream. The film explores the idea of an all-digital universe, where programmes live their own lives and communicate with each other within an interconnected network. This concept laid the groundwork for discussions about virtual environments and the possibility of a digitised existence.


'Tron' delves into the idea of direct interaction between humans and computer systems. The protagonist is physically transported into the digital world, where he has to navigate and interact with computer programmes as if they were tangible entities. This concept foresaw the advancement of human-computer interaction and the increasing integration of technology into our daily lives. It is particularly clever how this can be brought out so well in a film that is now 40 years old.

The style of colours, the neon feel fit nicely with the feel of 'Future Genaration'.


Inspiration in pictures

inspiratie in beeld

Holiday season

During summer is the ultimate time to recharge the battery completely. And as soon as summer is over again, we will soon start selling Early Bird tickets. Keep a close eye on our socials to get your hands on these limited tickets. For now, we wish you a great summer.

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